The Wrekin Trust
The Wrekin Trust was an educational charity concerned with promoting awareness and study of the spiritual principles that operate through individuals and the universe as part of a worldwide movement towards personal and planetary transformation.
The Wrekin Trust symbol was based on the cosmic cross, derived from the celtic cross of resurrection. It is three dimensional, encircled by protective spheres of light indicating global proportions and hinting at a shaft of spiritual light striking down from the zenith to the earth.
In 1971 after retiring as Warden from Attingham Park College Sir George was asked to found the Wrekin Trust, so that the exciting pioneering courses that he had instituted there could continue.
For two decades the Wrekin Trust provided conferences, courses and programmes in new thinking and spiritually oriented knowledge that enabled up to 10,000 people a year from diverse disciplines and viewpoints to explore leading edge topics in a non-sectarian way.
The Trust received the Right Livelihood Award ('Alternative Nobel Prize') in Stockholm in 1982; for its “work forming an essential contribution to making life more whole, healing our planet and uplifting humanity" - Read More
After a period of dormancy and following the death of Sir George, the Wrekin Trust reviewed its potential contribution to the growing movement for spiritual awakening and to the emergence of a new consciousness and is now moving forward.
Wrekin Trust aims to promote opportunities for learning that support people from all backgrounds and traditions:
- to search for meaning
- to explore a holistic and spiritual world view
- to develop as conscious instruments for creative change.
It is doing this through:
- holding an annual Sir George Trevelyan Memorial Lecture
- providing a small but growing programme of weekend and day events
- encouraging local groups
- sponsoring a collaborative initiative towards a "University for Spirit".
Memorial Lectures in London
1998 Spiritual Education in the Twenty-first Century - David Lorimer
1999 Soil, Soul & Society - Satish Kumar
2000 Living in a Sacred Way - Prof. Ravi Ravindra
2001 The Spiritual Destiny of Britain - Peter Dawkins
2002 Spiritual Renaissance in our Time - Prof. Ursula King
2003 Sacred Soil: Sacred Food - Patrick Holden
2004 The Mending of the Worlds: Evolution, Consciousness and the Eternal Return - Dr Roger Woolger
2005 Awakening the Global Heart - Dr Serge Beddington-Behrens
Local Groups have already formed in a few areas for meditation and discussion, often featuring speakers, videos, and other resources. Some local groups are also forming to work on and share "The Quest" - an open learning programme for 'rediscovering a sense of soul', produced by a core team in collaboration with the Findhorn Foundation and supported by the Wrekin Trust.
On 31st March 2017 the Wrekin Trust was dissolved and the website and all assets of the Trust were bequeathed to the Chalice Well Trust for their further mnagement.
For information contact:
The Chalice Well Trust
Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8DD, England
Tel/Fax: (+44) (0)1458 831154